It is an integrated and flexible cloud system for managing hotel establishments professionally. It has been carefully studied and implemented with high-quality professionalism and using the latest modern technology techniques. Digital Hotel is a comprehensive system for hotels and points of sale for restaurants, as well as back offices, general accounts, and all basic and auxiliary departments. It serves all types of reservations from the hotel's website. It also provides technical support to support decision-making for a hotel group and central reservation departments and the possibility of reservations from the hotel's website. It also provides technical support to support decision-making and skillfully combines ease of performance and accuracy of results with the ability to retain details, ease of retrieving information, and speed of review, which made it a great value added to business development.


General components of the system:

- Accounting system and general ledger:

- Financial operations and daily restrictions.

- Account statements.

- Supporting credits.

- Financial statements and estimated budget.


- Human Resources System HR:

- Salaries and wages.

- Attendance and departure.

- Interviews and recruitment.

- Evaluation of employee performance and much more.


- Hotel, reservations and accommodation system:

- The ability to self-book and inquire about room availability through the hotel's website.

- The ability to book in advance and book chalets, facilities and the swimming pool.

- The ability to book the public hall and its subsidiary services such as the open buffet and other options.

- The ability to book by person / bed.

- Supports dealing with agents and calculating their commissions.

- Supports all types of taxes.

- A variety of reports that comprehensively cover all system movements and analyze them in an easy and simple way, which helps in making decisions in a sound manner.


- House Keeper internal supervision system:

- A mobile application for the House Keeper.

- Automatic alerts when requesting cleaning services.

- Monitoring the performance and evaluation of each worker.


- Restaurant management system:

- An integrated system for managing restaurants.

- Supports the electronic menu and sending requests from the rooms (self-service).


- Fixed assets and furniture management system:

- Defining all assets and assigning them to the rooms.

- Inventory of room furniture.

- Managing damage and compensation.